

MIT经济系Robert M. Townsend教授及其助手杨晓雯博士系列讲座

Financial System Design: Joint Use of Economic Models and Data to Evaluate the Contemporary Situation and to Formulate Policy

地点:致福轩教室(Zhifuxuan Classroom, NSD)

Abstract: Financial Systems vary greatly, both across countries and within a given country over time.  Theory (economic models) and data (from surveys)  can be used in combination to assess a given financial system, both positively, to try to understand how it works, and normatively, to judge its efficiency. Policy prescriptions then come from this algorithm,  using theory and data rather than ad-hoc standards. The overall goal is to achieve an  ex ante optimal design of financial systems, based on first principles, and not taking markets and institutions as given. Micro economics, macro, finance, development and industrial organization are unified.


 Household and SME Financial Surveys: The Townsend Thai project, Comparisons, and Ideas for the Next Generation of Integrated Surveys

地点:理科5号楼438教室(Room 438, No.5 Science Building)

Abstract: In order to understand the financial lives of households and  SME businesses, we need extensive survey data. In recent years, a wide number of surveys have been initiated in countries across the world by a range of actors and for a variety of purposes. Some of these surveys focus on specific questions (for instance, consumer expenditures), while others are integrated, in the sense that they try to capture a wider range of information. Survey integration can take a number of forms, including integration along topics, frequencies, survey subjects, and secondary data sources. In this presentation, we argue that integrated surveys are very useful in many cases in order in order to understand the financial lives and situations of households and businesses  and more fully answer pertinent economic questions.  We first describe, and critique,  one key example of an integrated survey, the Townsend Thai Project, in order to demonstrate what an integrated survey is, how it is implemented, and why it is useful. We then  analyze several types of non-integrated surveys, including a detailed discussion of their advantages and potential improvements. The goal is to begin a discussion of possible  extensions of existing household and SME surveys in order to expand their usefulness for researchers and policymakers alike.


Elizabeth & James Killian Professor of Economics,Department of Economics, MIT

Robert M. Townsend is a theorist, macroeconomist, and development economist who analyzes the role and impact of economic organization and financial systems through applied general equilibrium models, contract theory and the use of micro data. The Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of Economics at MIT and a Research Professor at the University of Chicago, he is known for his seminal work on costly state verification, the revelation principle, optimal multi-period contracts, decentralization of economies with private information, models of money with spatially separated agents, forecasting the forecasts of others, and insurance and credit in developing countries.


GIS in public policy


Abstract: Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are computer based systems for visualizing, integrating and analyzing data with location information. Originally prospered in environment science, GIS has gradually been adopted by social sciences such as public safety, public health, and economics. Visualizing ?C widely accepted as the initial step of utilizing GIS in public policy ?C is important for identifying problems and inspiring scientists to establish hypotheses. Integrating data from different sources without shared identifier can help researchers understand questions more thoroughly. In the meanwhile, GIS can provide new data which might be critical to some research questions. Finally, spatial analysis with the belief of “everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things”, provides a new lens for exploring the dynamic connections between people, their safety, health and well-being, and changing physical and social environments.

Thailand Econ GIS Website --Visualizing Survey Data


Abstract: Like a picture, a map is worth a thousand words. Demonstrating social economic indicators on map is priceless for the public, decision makers, and researchers. However, GIS as a tool for mapping and analyzing geo-referenced data is not available to everyone. Our Thailand Econ GIS website aims to provide an intuitive tool for people without GIS background to explore spatial-temporal patterns of social economic indicators effortlessly, and can map their own data easily by simple uploading. This presentation explains a portal of webgis for over thousands of indicators without consumption of enormous server power, the method of pre-processing data, technology platform employed and possible extension. 


        麻省理工学院经济系GIS研究员, 泰国非盈利导向银行对地区经济发展的影响、泰国经济社会人口GIS网站项目负责人,致力于地理信息系统(GIS)在公共政策领域如经济发展,公共健康,公共安全的科研应用,决策支持和软件开发。现在麻省理工学院经济系根据泰国经济,社会人口等数据研究非盈利导向银行对经济发展的影响。曾在哈佛医学院任职,研究社区集体效能(collective efficacy)及建成环境对犯罪率的影响。博士论文研究入室盗窃,尤其是重复性入室盗窃与建成环境的关系。在佛罗里达大学就学与工作期间,还曾倡议建立综合性数据库研究儿童早期发育及教育与环境因素的关系。 阅读次数:
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