


毕维娜 Victoria Nadezhda BELA


      Esteemed Professors, School of Government Staff and Fellow Students, Friends and Families Watching at Home, hello. My name is Victoria Bela and I am a Master’s student in Public Policy. I am originally from Russia, but I have called China home for the last 17 years.



  I stand here marking the end of my and my fellow international students’ studies at the School of Government, because today will be walking away with an International Masters of Public Administration or Masters of Public Policy. This year, our group of international students represents over 30 countries from around the world, and we also represent a variety of academic and personal backgrounds - yet we all came here to Beijing and Peking University in order to study at the School of Government.

  今天,我站在这里,与我的留学生同学们一起,庆祝我们在政管顺利完成学业,并将以公共管理硕士、公共政策的硕士的光荣身份离开校园。我们这一届的国际留学生来自世界各地30多个国家和地区,有着各不相同的学术和成长背景, 为了同样的梦想和目标,我们从四面八方来到北京、来到北大,在政管度过了难忘的求学时光。


  The past few years have been filled with many hardships. In my first year of studies, I was abroad and unable to return to China, so I had to study online and couldn’t meet and communicate with my professors face to face. And I know that for myself and others, even when we were able to return to China to study in person it was not an easy road. But regardless of whether we are here graduating in person today or completing our studies online – we have put our safety first, and we got here with the support of our professors and wonderful staff.



  As a graduate of the 2023 cohort, I wanted to briefly share about what we have learned here. The main bit of knowledge that I am taking away from my studies is that there is always more to learn about a country and especially the way that it functions. Despite living in China for a long time, there is still so much I had to learn about its economy, system of policy and law, its development and management. And whether students return to their home countries or stay in China for work, the perspectives and knowledge we have gained will carry on with us.

  作为政管2023届国际项目的毕业生,我想和大家分享一些学习感悟。我在这里学到的最重要的一点是:对一个国家尤其是它的运作方式的研究永远不会有尽头。尽管我在中国生活了很多年,但是关于中国的经济、政治和法律体系,以及国家的发展和管理等方面,我仍然有太多需要学习。毕业后 ,无论我们是选择回到自己的祖国,还是继续留在中国工作,我们在政管学到的这些知识和分析问题的视角都会成为我们的财富,让我们受益终身。


  Lastly, I would like to take a second to thank the Peking University campus and community as well as the School of Government. We are lucky to have such a wonderful departmental environment, and to be so close to the lake and all the scenery. But truly, the campus has left a lasting impression on me, and I know it will stay in the hearts of everyone here. 



  We have overcome all of the difficulties and challenges in our roads, but today with the effort of the students and support from faculty, we have made it. I congratulate you all! I hope we will all move towards a better future, and leave this campus with gratitude and love for Peking University, the School of Government, professors, staff, and fellow students.



  We made it, so let’s go celebrate! Thank you everyone.



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